Inclusive Trails Walk
Inclusive Trails Walk is an autism specific service and program tailored to support your individual preferred learning and communication styles, help build executive functioning strategies and build habits and systems for success. All ability levels are welcome.

Inclusive Trails Walk is an individually tailored bushwalking program for autistic people of all abilities living in South Australia.
Inclusive Trails Walk provides you with three (3) options:
Weekly 1:1 trail support with a qualified day walk leader ( we co-design our walks together, times and locations vary for each participant)
Qualified Day Walk Leader Hire for individuals and small groups ( includes planning, co-design, maps and risk assessments)
Access to our Bushwalking 101 flagship program (minimum 8 weeks)
Inclusive Trails Walk:
Focusses on the holistic development of each person ( physical, psychological, social and cognitive)
Increases knowledge ( map reading, using a compass, safety, cooking, building a shelter, risk assessments, walking techniques, gear, etc)
Is engaging and fun and helps develop your communication and social skills
Engages your senses in a natural environment with particular emphasis on sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, interoception and proprioception.
Is participant centered focused on your wants and needs and incorporates your strengths and interests into the Inclusive Trails Walk Framework
Provides you with strategies and support to enhance your executive functioning including working on impulse control, emotional control, planning and prioritising, flexibility, working memory, self monitoring, task initiation and organisation
Helps you develop habits and systems for success to gain confidence
Improves your fitness and core development
Inclusive Trails Walk includes:
Diagnostic, fitness assessment and SMARTER goal setting
Maps, Risk assessments and Insurance
A choice of wonderful trails to explore based on your needs and ability
Individually tailored walking program that supports your learning style and communication needs.
Unlimited adjustments to your walking program
Ongoing and weekly analysis of your progress
Unlimited contact with your Inclusive Trails Walk Leader to discuss your needs
Co- designed feedback model, self assessments and Ipsative assessments